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Pewnego Razu W Paryżu (2011)

by Molly Hopkins(Favorite Author)
3.61 of 5 Votes: 3
Świat Książki
Evie Dexter
review 1: First of all, I must say that I'm a bit apprehensive when it comes to chick flick. I knew I wouldn't like this much based from the title and cover but it was on sale so I decided to give it a chance. Plus, I have quite a thing with the Eiffel Tower.. *laughs*Back to the book, the main character. Evie, Evie, Evie. Her name reminds me of a Pokemon. Nothing wrong there. Some may find her hilarious but I am annoyed by her from the very first chapter. She's irresponsible, air-headed, silly and childish. Her counterpart, Rob is more dependable in occasions that calls for responsibility and sound judgement but he's just horny all the damn time.I read the first 100 pages or so and couldn't bring myself to finish the book. It's not bad. It's just a silly story of the misadventure o... moref a tour guide. Might make a good book to kill some time. I like my books with a little more weight. This is just boring and predictable.
review 2: This was a great book to read. Evie gets a job as a tour guide taking weekend trips to Paris. One slight problem she has never been a tour guide! The book moves a long at a fast pace and really made me chuckle.Some might argue that parts of the adventure are far fetched but as the writer was a tour guide I like to believe its what she didn't write rather than what she did write. The book is written in a very chatty style- like having a good gossip with a friend. I can't wait to read the follow up when Evie travels further afield. This is a fun.easy to read good feeling book less
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I loved this book . Fab charaters , an easy read and very funny . I will definaly read her next book
Couldn't finish this, maybe I didn't give it a good enough chance but it failed to engage me.
A nice easy read that made me laugh alot. I really fancy a trip to Paris now.
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