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A Quest Of Heroes (2012)

by Morgan Rice(Favorite Author)
2.82 of 5 Votes: 4
Morgan Rice
The Sorcerer's Ring
review 1: D'awwwwww poorwittle Gary-Stu, noone wuwws him, noone understands him, like the spesshul little snowflake that he is!!!! A brilliant example of how NOT to write.Sweet Jesus, there are 17 books in the series! I doubt I'll make through the first one. The Twilight and 50 shades of Grey of fantasy lit. Except compared to this drivel, even Twilight is high-literature.Well, I finished it afterall (I don't know why). This thing had been published and translated to many languages. Wow. Just wow.
review 2: Although the ending was a bit abrupt, overall I liked this book. It gave me a real King Arthur feeling. I would have liked it even better if the ending would give a bit more closure. Now it felt like the story wasn't finished (which isn't so bad for a series) but what
... more annoyed me was that it felt like the story was ripped somewhere in the middle. It felt like it was ripped apart by a blind man, like there where to many pages in the book already so there had to be an end somewhere. less
Reviews (see all)
This is adolescent fantasy that I think my boys will really enjoy when they're a little older.
Trite, cliche, predictable, and easy to put down.
very interesting story, can't wait for next book
I just loved reading the book! Well narrated!
Really good book
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