Books: 6 | Review: 0 | Avg rating: 3.77
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Natascha Kampusch

3.77 of 5 Votes: 5
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Books by Natascha Kampusch
3,096 Days (2010)
3.77 of 5 Votes: 4
review 1: Este libro es un tanto desgarrador. Trata del secuestro de la autora, Natascha Kampusch cuando tenía 10 años de edad. A partir de ahí fue llevada a un zulo de apenas 6 metros cuadrados donde sería su casa prácticamente los 8 años siguientes de su vida.La autora nos cuenta las di...
3096 Tage (2010)
3.77 of 5 Votes: 3
review 1: Kun 10-vuotias tyttö siepataan ja vangitaan kellariin kahdeksaksi ja puoleksi vuodeksi, syntyy yrittämättäkin sensaationkäryinen tarina. Kirja kertoo sen siepatun tytön näkökulmasta. Kaikki on siis todellista, elämäkerrallista, tositapahtumia kertojan elämästä. Asetelma on niin k...
3,096 Days in Captivity: The True Story of My Abduction, Eight Years of Enslavement,and Escape (2010)
3.77 of 5 Votes: 4
review 1: I don't even know how to rate a book like this? It's kinda like "ah, no, your story wasn't good enough for me, but thanks for trying". Which obviously isn't the case. It's a horrible story, but well told I suppose.I am very impressed by her attitude of not wanting to be reduced t...
De diefstal van mijn jeugd (2010)
3.77 of 5 Votes: 1
review 1: *spoilers*This is Natascha's story. It's not about what he did to her or what they thought of it; it is her story. It is in the beginning her memories of the person she was before it happened, in the aftermath and for its duration. It is about her feelings that made her the wo...
3,096 Días (2010)
3.77 of 5 Votes: 1
review 1: This was a horrible and touching story, that was somewhat spoiled by repetition of sentences. This interrupted the flow and made it slightly annoying. Another thing that highly rattled me was the constant use of bloodshedding at the end of the book. It didn't seem to be a word a ...
3096 Jours (2010)
3.77 of 5 Votes: 2
review 1: Everyone should read this. Kampusch displays incredible strength and intelligence, and it is clear that despite everything she never lost her sense of self, let alone her mind. Her anger towards those who have tried to re-victimise her as suffering from Stockholm Syndrome is palp...
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