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O Educatie Costisitoare (2009)

by Nick McDonell(Favorite Author)
3.03 of 5 Votes: 4
review 1: This was a pretty bleak book, but I will admit it provides an insightful look into the politics of Africa and of Ivy League institutions. It's an interesting juxtaposition. Unfortunately I didn't like any of the characters, even though I'm normally attracted to smart people. It is incredibly depressing to think this is how power works. The author does a convincing job of demonstrating that it does.
review 2: I enjoyed the book but had to shift my expectations in order to do so. I'd thought the book was going to be smarter, deeper, and more involved. As it turned out, it was little better than Dan Brown. I still enjoyed it. And while it is a boy book as another reviewer has pointed out -- there's nothing wrong with that. Boys need books too, and especially the
... morese days when so many men are leaving fiction. That said, I give the book high marks for fun, incredibly high marks for being written by a guy in his early 20s, and high marks for making accurate fun of Harvard. I'd recommend the book to any (guy) looking for a mildly clever and entertaining read. less
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Harvard grad joins CIA in Africa, thriller noir
couldn't get into it so i gave up =(
keeps growing on me afterward.
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