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Three Daves (2010)

by Nicki Elson(Favorite Author)
3.36 of 5 Votes: 3
1936305097 (ISBN13: 9781936305094)
Omnific Publishing
review 1: This was a twilight fanfic called "Add it Up" a LONG LONG time ago. It was also the first really bad one I ever read. It was incredibly boring and I would find myself zoning out so often that I would end up confused as to what she was yammering on about. I remember when she sent out emails to all her readers to let them know she was going to publish... I wanted to message her back and ask her if she was joking.
review 2: Three Daves is an absolutely classic Valentine to college life in the ’80s…FAR hipper than my ’90s experience, to be sure, especially where MUSIC was concerned. Props for capturing the decade in all its high-haired and mini-skirted glory, and providing it a brilliantly selected soundtrack that breathes life into the storyline with its plo
... moret parallels. I appreciate how this is a modern tale with a saucy flare that still embraces traditional propriety and morality, illustrating how gals can be ladies and guys be gentlemen in this day and age while still having a hell of a lot of fun! Realistic, engaging characters that I actually missed after finishing! less
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can't wait for this local favorite to come out as an audiobook
cute, funny, deep, romantic and naughty all rolled up
Love it! What a flash back!
review to come :)
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