July Wrap up

Hiya bessies!

How are you all?


OMG. It’s the end of the month again. Which means I’m only a week away from going back to school. My school break is almost over.


But! That’s not what this post is about! It’s that time of the month again! Where did July go? Anyway, as much as I hate to admit this but I wasn’t as productive in reading this month than I was last month. My June Wrap up consists of eighteen books. And this month, I don’t even think it reached ten books.


I kind of found a motivation to continue writing my draft stories and that’s what I did most of the month. If I’m not in front of my laptop editing and writing my stories, I’m sitting or lying on my bed staring at nothing and imagine how my story flow inside my head. I’d say though I’m not productive in the reading department, I’m somehow productive on the other department. XD


Anyway, let’s start! Here are the books I managed to read on the month of July!


Goodreads| Rate: 3/5


Review | Rate: 3/5


Goodreads | Review | Rate: 3/5


Goodreads | Review | Rate: 4.5/5


Goodreads | Review | Rate: 3/5


Goodreads | Review | Rate: 4/5



Goodreads | Review | Rate: 4/5






Goodreads | Rate: 4/5


Well, for me this wrap up still isn’t bad. Though it’s not also the best.


That’s it for this month’s wrap up bessies! What about you? How did you do with your wrap up? Let’s talk in the comments!


Thanks for reading up to here bessies! Love you all!

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