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El Amigo Americano (1974)

by Patricia Highsmith(Favorite Author)
3.87 of 5 Votes: 4
8433920790 (ISBN13: 9788433920799)
review 1: This took me an absolute age to plough through, not a good sign. After reading the second Ripley novel I probably wouldn't have picked up a third, but this was in a compendium of four. Most of the novel followed a very dull chap who though having a terminal illness, still comes across as a neurotic hypochondriac. Over half-way through the novel he and Ripley help one another to do away with some mafia types. The fun of the first Ripley novel was its freshness, and the striving of Ripley himself, and how he strove to present himself in front of others. All that was sadly missing from this instalment, it was full of padding, and I think the compendium will now find its way to the charity shop with the fourth story unread.
review 2: A strong recovery from the
... more weak second book.Once again, Patricia Highsmith - through Tom Ripley - continues to explore Europe; this time focussing mainly on France. She is deftly skilled at creating a word that slowly closes-in on her characters; it is thrilling and suffocating.I also loved the dual protagonists in this book - the story unfolds through Tom and Jonathan. Both very different people leading very different lives, but connected through one man and one incident. less
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If there was an option of using fractions, I'd make this review 3.75. Good but not great.
I enjoyed this book so much!! Finished it like a cold glass of water during the summer.
good rhythm to the story, pity it ended slightly abruptly ...
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