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Beautiful Prey (2014)

by Phoenix Daniels(Favorite Author)
4.02 of 5 Votes: 1
Femistry Press
review 1: This book was a ball of contradictions and eyebrow-raising for me. While the cover is beautiful, the execution of the story is not so much. First of all, I couldn't get over how much of an asshole Victoria's boss is. I found it hard to believe that the police department would not lift a finger to help one of its undercover officers when she's in danger because of their directive. WTF?Secondly, Victoria is a stunningly gorgeous woman - cute face, small waist, big behind, long hair that behaves, great skin...just so much pretty in one package. Don't even get started on her friend Tracy! I am not opposed to women, especially the heroine, being attractive. The world is not filled with ugly people so it stands to reason there will be stories about the ugly as well as the beauti... moreful and the average. However, her looks were harped on constantly throughout the book...mostly by the heroine. We get it! She's drop dead gorgeous!--> "I'd do her!"Thirdly, Victoria is supposed to be a street smart, somewhat badass cop and yet she has Jack dictating her moves when they barely know each other. She slightly redeems herself when she acknowledges that having unprotected sex and letting this strange man shoot his sperm in her twice is a bit dumb. However, one session of sex with a stranger and by the next day when he calls her she misses him so much and gets with the terms of endearment? Plus someone is stalking her and she ignores all the signs as just her silly ex? Really, madam police? How many domestic violence/ stalker cases went through your PD and how many Lifetime movies need to be made?! Good grief!Fourth, Jack mostly comes across as an overbearing stalker for 80% of the book. He sees this unknown woman as a prostitute on the street and immediately gets a background check and a man to watch her around the clock? Because he must have her? Is he Pepe LePew? Fifth, the handling of the race issue by secondary characters just felt flat and a bit...lazy.Sixth, it seems all Victoria's clothes have first and last names...even before Rico Suave steps into the picture. Almost every time Victoria or somebody else gets dressed they're dripping in designer. Not to say that "regular" people don't wear designer... but almost every shred of clothing? Even the hooker getup? The name dropping of designer labels was just too much. You can show Victoria and whoever else liking designer in an early scene and if you show, and not tell, it to the reader properly you won't have to keep name dropping every time. Seventh, the book ends on an unnecessary cliffhanger. The story needed no further continuation. The epilogue sets you up for a nice HEA and then introduces three dots when it should have just been one. Period. I could keep going but I'll end here.
review 2: This is Victoria and Jack's story. The story takes off for me when the couple finally meet and the fireworks go off from there. I love both characters, it was a very engrossing read and held my attention to the very end. They went through a lot together, shootings, stalker, kidnapping and a few more things that I won't reveal. I struggle to see how book 2 could ever top book 1. However, I am waiting with baited breath for the next installment. I would highly recommend this book, it was an enjoyable read! less
Reviews (see all)
This book caught me by surprise and I did enjoy this one. Waiting on part 2
The book was really good. Can't wait for the next book
really enjoyed this story very fast paced. loved it
Loved it. Great storyline.
Loved it!
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