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The Tycoon And The Texan (2013)

by Phyliss Miranda(Favorite Author)
2.99 of 5 Votes: 5
1601831196 (ISBN13: 9781601831194)
Kensington Books
review 1: Usual admin asst and wealthy tycoon. McCall Johnson is the admin asst; Nick Dartmouth is the tycoon son of McCall's boss, Madeline Elliott- Dartmouth.Author has strange voc. P. 45. - Petrous face?P. 53 - bleed like a stuffed pig? STUCK pig, not stuffed!P. 53 - she swaggered to the table? Not McCall's style...she was carrying two salads.P. 53- a bellow of mist. ???
review 2: The Tycoon and The Texan was a fun modern yet old fashion western romance. Let me explain. It had all the modern conveniences of today, cell phones, Lear jets, and other gadgets. But McCall Johnson was anything but a modern girl, she was a born and raised Texas born girl from out on the range. Where Nick Dartmouth her boss or should I say her old boss and the son or her current
... more boss, Madeline, is the polar opposite. He is a California born Millionaire several times over from old mine who is used to getting whatever he wants. McCall has always wished it would be her and well that has never been in the cards. It was sealed when he transferred her to work for her mother after years of working for him. On this day though it is the night of the big charity event where they are to have the Charity Auction of Bachelorettes and they were short one bachelorette. Nick’s mom comes up with the idea to auction off McCall. All seem good with that idea until that night when Nick sees her arrive with an Adonis that has his paws all over her and is leering at her like a piece of meat. The stakes of the action have now changed. Maybe there is a reason for him to be at his mother’s awful charity event when he usually seeks off. This is a fun easy read that makes you want to read more. The characters have heart and values. There is a part that the characters share their past that is gut wrenching. I totally enjoyed this story. Provided by netgalley.com less
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A good romance and a good read.
Fast light read.
Good read.
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