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Haunting Jordan (2009)

by P.J. Alderman(Favorite Author)
3.93 of 5 Votes: 3
0553592106 (ISBN13: 9780553592108)
Port Chatham Mystery
review 1: this is not your typical mystery or ghost story. And damn does the author keep you turning those pages. Jordan Marsh relocates after her husband is murdered to a small coastal town in Washington. Jordan buys a run down Queen Anne home to renovate while she takes time to reassess her life. Jordan becomes involved with the past owner of the home, Hattie Longren and her sister, Charlotte. Who killed Hattie and why, not only can Jordan see them but she can communicate with them as well. As Jordan uncovers the diaries and journals of the past, she is also forced to deal with the truth of her marriage and her patient. Interesting characters, you think you figured it out and then you doubt it when you turn the page.
review 2: I picked up this book a few years ago whil
... moree wandering Barnes & Noble and I am so glad I did! I picked it because, silly to say, I loved the cover art and I am a big fan of paranormal mysteries. This book had everything in it for me; comedy, mystery, history, romance, likable characters, everything. I read it in one night and ran out the second she released the second book in the series to buy it as well. One of my favorite books! less
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really enjoyed this, bit like an American set Kate Mosse. started on sequel straight away.
What a great read! How refreshing from some of the "heavier" mysteries.
Really enjoyed this; looking forward to reading the next one.
I really like this. It kept moving.
Great book! Couldn't put it down!!
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