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The Seduction Of Emily (2013)

by Rachel Brimble(Favorite Author)
3.15 of 5 Votes: 1
review 1: Cute story. Different from other historical romances. Liked how her mother was a feminist whom died trying to protect women's rights while instilling the same in her daughter. There were moments I wanted to smack her (Emily). I was over her marrying a tyrant because he would receive her father's legacy, but what she didn't comprehend, she was her father's legacy. There were some moments the language didn't mesh with that period of time. For example blah, blah, blah...good story.
review 2: The idea of the story is good. But, it moves so slow and is quite repetitive that it drags the whole feel of the book down. There are some editing issues. (at least in the review copy I got) I really wanted to like this book. The whole plot seemed great, and refreshing compare
... mored to most Historical romances. The story didn't surround the Ton or some rich heiress. But it definitely falls short. It wasn't a horrible read, just too slow. less
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This was a quick read, which let me jump into a different world.
Nothing like the strength of determined women. Good read,
Very slow moving but was able to finish!
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