“If you’re not outraged, you’re not paying attention”

The last words on social media of 32-year-old paralegal Heather Heyer, ally to POC around the world, counter-protester and victim of the Charlottesville hate rally.

Deepest condolences to the family and friends of Heather Heyer. Thank you for fighting for what you believed in. You really were taken too soon.

I first heard of what was going on in Charlottesville yesterday afternoon, not on local or national news, but in a retweet that expressed outrage that a group of men had arrived at a rally dressed in similar attire to that of armed officials. These men weren’t a part of any official force, they were not there to protect people, they were a group of white men joining fellow Neo Nazis and White Supremacists in a hate rally in Virginia. The previous night, hundreds of white men armed with flaming torches surrounded the Thomas Jefferson statue at the University of Virginia campus. They chanted a well-known Nazi slogan, “Blood and Soil” and upon meeting counter-protesters, began to fight, throwing their torches at all who opposed them. Both sides were hit with pepper spray.

Pepper spray.

This was planned; a preamble to the “Unite The Right” rally due to take place the next day. Police did not disband this mob. There were not armed forces arriving in their droves with riot shields and helmets, ready to use “reasonable” force to break up such a heinous show of Nazi idealism. The event was photographed, the above image of Peter Cvjetanovic now immortalised for all to see and what followed next was a direct result of this poor show of humanity.

The following day, more of these “people” descended in their droves, with anti fascists arriving in force to counter protest. The rally was organised by white nationalists, who lined the streets with Nazi flags, armbands and attire. Ku Klux Klan members, Proud Boys and bigots were free to roam the streets, telling all who did not fit their ideology that they would be the “first to get back on the boat” to what they deemed their respective countries. Police in riot gear lined the streets to pave way for KKK members to exit a local garage to take their place in the rally.

It was only once the 500+ Neo-Nazi’s and the like had amassed around 11am, that the City declared a state of emergency. It was only then that they realised that if this rally were allowed to continue that there would be an “imminent threat of civil disturbance”. An hour later, the Governor of Virginia followed suit, declaring once again a state of emergency only then openly showing his disgust for the bigotry, hatred and violence displayed then and the night before. Not 40 minutes later, with 19 people injured, riot police that had begun to amass cleared the scene.

The police LEFT. They declared the area unsafe and LEFT. This rally was in itself the most blatant show of White Privilege. You can deny it, you can oppose it, you can speak out and say that it doesn’t exist but the videos and images that I have seen say otherwise. Where else would you see a troop of white men, dressed in battle regalia, brandishing weapons not being arrested, not having their weapons taken away, not shot on sight.

If you think I’m being over the top, cast your mind back to Baton Rouge, where 100 male and female people of colour held a protest in the street in hour of Alton Sterling, the black male killed by a white police officer. Cast your mind back to Jonathan Bachman’s image of Iesha Evans, mother, nurse, woman of colour.

Think of what this stands for. Think of what this MEANS. Iesha stepped forward, wearing a simple thin dress, no weapon, no words and look at how she was treated. Look at the stark contrast between how the KKK members of Charlottesville and Iesha Evans of Baton Rouge were treated.

On May 15th, this same year, the same thing happened. A rally was led by a White Supremacist. These gatherings have been planned, coordinated but not stopped.

I then heard that a counter-protester had died. An ally to not only myself but so many of us, had died. Once the police left and the violence escalated, a vehicle plowed through the street and bodies flew. Heather Heyer lost her life, and others were injured, some fighting for equality, some fighting against it.

I sat and scrolled through social media, hoping that someone would discuss it. Hoping that someone would mention it. I waited for the changing profile pictures, the filters, the “prayforcharlottesville” hashtags; nothing. I waited for people who I thought were anti fascist to step forward and stand; nothing.

President Trump seemingly forgot about his social media presence and when he did eventually arrive, his words weren’t worth the breath they were spoken. Our own Prime Minister, Theresa May, has remained silent.

When you remain silent, you are compliant. If you do not fight against the oppressor, you side with them. Racism and hatred are alive. Prejudice is alive. Exercise your right to freedom of speech and fight for humanity. Pick your side not based on the colour of your skin or what you are accustomed, pick the side that is morally right. Speak. Speak for those who cannot speak for themselves without fear of judgement, fear of their message being diluted or unheard. Speak for your colleagues, neighbours, friends and loved ones. Speak for your children.

The pictures speak for themselves.

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