Welcome, Bookworms!
Can i just admit i am soooo soooo soooo freaking happy that it is the end of September! Yes i know i was happy for it and i still am but i have been in a reading slump, forgot to handout birthday invites ( had to move the party ), Wanted to sleep more, felt like blogging was not fun for a bit.
BUT you guys, i am gonna get this gal back on track. Well once i feel better ( sick at the moment )
Let’s see how i did.
Still working on the Review!
Well that is all folks, only book i read for this month and you know what i am not upset about it one bit. Could i have done better yes but i am a mother with anxiety so when i have to much on my plate i start to over plan and end up doing my worst. NEXT TIME will be better.
Expect a To Be Read blog October 1st as i have so many on my TBR list.
TELL ME WHAT YOUR BOOK YOU READ THIS MONTH? Connect with me! Instagram♥Goodreads♥Twitter