17 Ways to Walk More with a Busy Lifestyle

Maybe it’s increased because I’ve been in Arizona the last few days, but these last several months I’ve been loving a good walk.

Sure, walking won’t burn as many calories, be as beneficial for your heart, or make you sweat as much as other forms of exercise will. But are those always the most important things? Sometimes the best kind of exercise is the kind that clears and uplifts your mind, not the kind that burns the most fat.

Go for a walk, and bundle up if you have to. Listen to an inspirational podcast. Or don’t – and instead listen to the wind and the sound of the snow crunching under your feet and airplanes and cars moving past you. Feel the ground firm beneath your feet and concentrate on all the muscles working together for you to be able to walk. Notice the plants, both dead and alive around you. Look for living things that you wouldn’t normally notice. Keep an eye out for litter, and pick it up when you see it. Say hello to other walkers or runners passing by. Take deep breaths, connect with your surroundings, and let your mind be clear.

Finding time to take a walk can be hard with a busy lifestyle. Part of the reason why I love walking is because it forces me to slow down and take some time away from my busy schedule. But even if you can’t take a 20 minute walk every day, there are ways to fit it in. Here are 17 ways you can fit more walking into your schedule with things you are probably already doing:

  • On your break at work, take five or ten minutes to walk around the office, either inside or outside.
  • Walk your kids to school.
  • Walk to school or work yourself.
  • Rather than try to carry 10 grocery bags on each arm to make it inside in one trip (come on we’ve all done it)… take three or four or five trips.
  • Set your alarm for 10 minutes earlier and take a walk around the block in your jammies first thing in the morning.
  • Take a trip to a museum, the zoo, or another place that requires you to walk a lot.
  • Park your car at the back of the parking lot, rather than the front.
  • Organize a walking group to go on a weekly walk around the neighborhood.
  • Join a city clean up crew.
  • Go geocaching in your neighborhood as a date night or family activity.
  • At the airport don’t sit while waiting – you’ll be doing that enough once you get on the plane. Walk around the terminal instead!
  • Find a nearby hiking or walking trail and make a goal to walk it a few times a month.
  • Do chores that require walking more often than you normally do – mowing the lawn, raking the leaves, shoveling the driveway, vacuuming, sweeping, mopping, etc.
  • Offer to take a neighbor’s dog on a walk.
  • Always take the stairs over the elevator or escalator.
  • Make a house rule that before you sit down to watch TV, you have to take a walk around the block.
  • When returning missed calls, go outside and walk around instead of sitting on the couch.
  • What do you do to walk more? Comment below!

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