An Asian Trixie Belden?

Hi Rose,

Just in from our great Easter egg hunt – where you and your sister stuffed all the eggs into the daggy Easter bonnet and then – poof! – they disappeared. Sob! Anyway…

You may recall that we went to a session at the Melbourne Writer’s Festival last year where Rebecca Lim and Leanne Hall talked about diversity in YA. It was a great talk but I was fan-girling like crazy when Rebecca revealed her childhood passion for Trixie Belden.

As you know, I still own almost all of the 36 TB books and they grace our lounge room bookshelf. Rebecca did this cool thing where she rewrote the start of a Trixie novel (for those who don’t know Trixie was a gutsy teenage detective) making Trixie Asian. It was quite hilarious because in the books Trixie basically roams around having all these adventures and her parents are like – no worries, Trixie, just make sure you’ve done your chores. Rebecca’s Trixie had her Dad quizzing her on where she was going, who she was going with, when she’d be home, etc, etc – kind of your basic helicopter parent only Asian (possibly even more hands-on).

Rebecca Lim

Leanne Hall

So we bought Rebecca’s book The Astrologer’s Daughter and it’s many of the things I love – mystery, a little romance, fast-paced action. As you know, I’ve broken our blogging rules and I’ve drum roll – read ahead – in fact, I’ve finished it and in a double rule breaking phenomenon (hell, I’m a rebel!) I’ve started reading Cath Crowley’s Words in Deep Blue which is our June book – oh dear, can you forgive me? I needed some literary comfort food and I was pretty sure Cath’s book would fit the bill nicely and it soooo is!

But no spoilers honey! I’ll let you know what I thought about The Astrologer’s Daughter in a bit.


Mum x

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