ARC Review: The Billionaires: The Stepbrothers (Lover’s Triangle #3) by Calista Fox

Title: The Billionaires:  The Stepbrothers
Author: Calista Fox
Publisher/Year:  St Martin’s Press 12/26/17
Length:   304 Pages
Series:  Lover’s Triangle #3


This pair of stepbrothers have their sights set on just one woman…

Scarlet Drake is an insurance fraud investigator hot on the heels of the thief who stole a multimillion-dollar art collection from tycoon Michael Vandenberg’s Hamptons estate. Unfortunately, the sexy Wolf of Wall Street is also her prime suspect—along with his equally mouthwatering stepbrother, Montana rancher Sam Reed. Scarlet quickly finds herself tangled up in the two devilishly handsome men, and ensnared in a web of family lies.

Michael is used to getting what he wants—and he wants Scarlet in his bed. Sam had no intention of getting emotionally or romantically involved with a woman again, but he can’t deny the sizzling chemistry with Scarlet. And when the three of them cave to one sinfully delicious night of sheer decadence, their sexy ménage becomes a fiery affair of the heart. But they don’t stand a chance at a happily ever after unless all of the absolute truths are finally revealed…

My Thoughts

First of all, thank you to the folks at both Netgalley and St Martin’s Press for the ARC – i’m clearly a fan of this series and am so happy to have it a few months ahead of time.

For those of you who have read the previous 2 installments in the series, you kind of get a sense of where this one is going.  We know the struggles that Jewel had with business and then her two lovers – but that seemed to work out.  Then there’s Bayli and her struggle with living her own life and then enter her two sexy men who righted everything as it needed to be.

So where does Scarlet’s story go.  We know that she’s a fraud investigator and a good one – hot on the trail of trying to solve the mystery of a stolen collection of art.  That takes her to one man in particular – Michael – who seems to have it all but potentially has a lot to hide.

This story goes in fast and furious when these two finally meet face to face – he’s a hard man to track down, and all thoughts of Scarlet’s go out the window when she sees him in person.  He’s a force to be reckoned with – powerful, controlling and incredibly sexy.  That almost derails her but she still manage to dig a bit deeper.  While one part of her mind wants to put him off the suspect list, the other part isn’t so sure.  What happens though is that their chemistry is so intense that even after 2 years of avoiding men, she falls into bed with him and their connection seems to be something so much more. so let’s pause that for a second.

Enter Sam, Michael’s step brother and a new suspect on the list.  Scarlet goes out to Montana to track him down and find out what he knows about the stolen art, and well, whatever we thought she had with Michael – it’s the same with Sam.  And she quickly learns that maybe there’s something more in line with what her friend have with their men when she learns that these two guys have an alibi that includes the same woman/women.

So our story goes from there.  We see how the heat and sparks aren’t unique to just one set of the couple and they are able to consider something more complicated.  The other bit is that these sparks lead them all down a path of finding more secrets about the family than anyone ever knew.

I have to say that i knew fairly early on who was in control of the art theft, however the complexities that came along with it, the back story etc – that was all completely left field and random.  I think that it’s to the congratulation of our author that she’s able to weave those bits it, just to keep things more exciting.

What we learn in this story is that people aren’t always what they seem and there’s often so much more under the surface that you shouldn’t discount it off the bat.  I feel like there was a lot of healing done for a lot of folks while along the way there’s a LOT of really hot and passionate sex.  All in all a great culmination to the series that i’ve enjoyed over the past months.  I hope you guys give it a read when it’s available.  Enjoy!

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