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7 Folds Of Winter (2000)

by Carolyn McCray(Favorite Author)
3.87 of 5 Votes: 3
review 1: I read it. Took me quite some time though! I think that's because I didn't really connect with any of the characters besides Ornery. Even his character's voice became irritating at times! The passages would confusedly jump from character to character in high climax scenes. Then the character was "sure" of something and the way it needed to happen just as another character was highlighted and thinking the same way about themselves! Also, the descriptions for the fantastical places, people, and objects were vague and seemed to be hastily pieced together. Let's put it this way, it's categorized as YA for a reason.
review 2: I was initially drawn to this book by both the title and the cover art. Often, one or the other disappoints but certainly not in this case.
... moreBoth represent this book perfectly, and on the cover you will recognize characters from the book. Carolyn McCray creates an engaging cast of extraordinary characters and an enchanting world of mythical beasts. The reader is drawn into a fantasy world of magical and icy landscapes and chandeliers made of ice, riveting battles, unlikely love connections, and sometimes overwhelming sadness for those characters lost in battle. This is a sizable book, but it reads easily in short sections that move back and forth between the main characters and their journeys. The characters are introduced slowly enough, and are so aptly named, that I never felt confused. I absolutely loved this book! less
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I really enjoyed reading this and would love to read more about these unique characters.
Thoroughly enjoyed this book! :)
this book has everything
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