Bad Girls Don’t Die by Katie Alender

Bad Girls Don’t Die (Bad Girls Don’t Die #1) by Katie Alender

Rating: 2/5 stars

My Thoughts:

I can’t believe I forgot to write a review for this one, but then again it was pretty forgettable.

Bad Girls Don’t Die is a normal edgy teenage named Alexis who happens to live in a spooky old house. Her family is pretty dysfunctional and her sister Kasey is a bit bizarre, obsessed with old dolls. As time goes on, it seems that Kasey is acting even weirder- speaking in an accent and her blue eyes go green. More things start happening in their old house like the A/C freezing out the house and water boiling on it’s own. Soon things end up dangerous and it all points to Kasey and her creepy old doll. What if Alexis sister isn’t Kasey anymore?

The thing about this book is that I’ve had it for several years, unread. Finally I picked it up looking for a halloween read and maybe I just shouldn’t have? It should have everything needed for a creepy-tastic read: spooky old haunted house, possessed child, and a creepy antique doll. But the ghost aspect isn’t ever barely touched until the last 100 pages and even then, I wanted more from it.

The main annoyance was the main character, Alexis. My god she was irritating. She whined about literally everything and everyone. She was the classic edgy teenage trying so hard to be edgy but she’s really just basic. I just wanted her to get murdered by a ghost, honestly. Got so tired of her ‘woe is me’ act.

“That’s the pathetic thing about high school. Everyone tries so hard to be something they aren’t. It’s gotten so I don’t know who I am, so how can I even try to be who I am, much less who I’m not?
My problem is that I don’t even fit in with the misfits.
I don’t fit anywhere.”

Also there is a romance that is just pointless. I don’t care about her life at high school and her insta-love with some guy, while she researches some old story for half of the book. I wanted ghosts!

I won’t be reading anymore of this series. Maybe if I had read it when I was younger and more forgiving of annoying MCs.

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