Belief and Weight Loss


Belief is key to everything we do.  If I didn’t believe I could build this spiral house I wouldn’t even have tried.

In the book ” The Power of Habit” by Charles Duhigg, one of the key elements that is important in changing a habit, such as the way one eats, is belief that change is possible.  I can see how that is true.  Nothing is done that is done without belief that it is possible.  A baby would not walk unless he believed walking was possible for him.

The author goes on to say that one of the keys to change for people in Alcoholics Anonymous is belief.  Belief in a higher power and belief that it is possible to make a change.

Believing in my ability to lose weight had never been a problem before.  I have lost weight many times, especially after having a baby and needing to lose the lbs. I had put on while pregnant.  Lately, however, my belief had been faltering as I found myself giving up every day about 5 pm and deciding I didn’t care.  However, in the last few days, learning about habits and how they work, and deciding to change my reactions to the triggers, has bolstered my belief in my ability to lose weight this time.

In the book “The Power of Habit”, the belief that change is possible often took some time for the people in the stories shared.  Then at a tipping point, when the people began to see that the change was real, the belief soared and everything fell into place.  Like a chain reaction, other things fell into place to support the change as well.

For me, changing the habit of eating while watching TV has also caused other changes to naturally occur.  My sister Cheryl and I decided to make some healthy treats that will not only boost our energy, but also be better for us than the milk chocolate and sugary treats we had been eating.  Last night Cheryl and I made “zoom balls” from a recipe in Rosemary Gladstar’s book “Herbal Recipes for Vibrant Health” and put our new treats in the refrigerator ready to reach for at the right moment.  Due to this preparation, today as I ran errands, I did not reach for other treats at the store to tide me over.  I know I have zoom balls waiting for me at home, and my belief in this process has helped me wait.

Once I got home I ate my meal and did not need the zoom balls.  Interesting.

I will post about my experiment with zoom balls and weight loss again as I use them.  If anyone has tried zoom balls before I would love to hear from you about your experience.  I will say the recipe called for a lot of nutmeg and in the future I may not use so much.  We toned ours down with more tahini butter and coconut and honey.

Happy healthy eating!

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