Book Review: Far Far Away

Read from January 4th, 2018 to January 12th, 2018  . For my first book of the year, can I first say that, wow, this book is underrated. I didn’t know much about Far Far Away by Tom McNeal when I first picked it up, and it had been sitting on my shelf for years after I bought it for a discounted price somewhere. I finally started it up this year and I can’t believe how long it took me to get to it!  . The writing is absolutely beautiful! The detail is spectacular. I couldn’t wait to get back to reading this story every chance I got. It just kept surprising me how much I liked it more and more.  . There were a few issues: there were a lot of artistic spots that got drawn out, which was usually great, but when the action hit I felt those scenes could’ve used less detail. I still had a few questions that were left unanswered at the end and the last few chapters felt a bit rushed. Also, and this is a small also, I was picturing a different setting than the one presented in the book the entire time, due to the narrators diction, accent and the way things worked in that setting in general.  . Besides that, without spoiling anything, I’d recommend this book to anyone who likes a good fairytale with a dark twist, or just a beautifully written story. You won’t be disappointed.  . I’m giving Far Far Away by Tom McNeal a 4/5 stars. My rating system is as followed:
  • My rating system stands: 5/5 is a knock out of the park; this book deserves to be read by everyone. 4/5 is, “I really liked it,” but it did have a couple of kinks. 3/5 is, “I believe there are a lot of people who would enjoy this book, but for one reason or another, it didn’t sit well with me.” 2/5 is, “I really didn’t enjoy it and I’m not going to recommend it.” 1/5 is, “no one read this – throw it in a lake.”

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