I Needed That

It always amazes me when I pick up something on a whim and it turns out to be exactly what I needed. How does that happen? This is the book on CD that I am talking about.

It’s an inspirational non fiction story about Sue Monk Kidd and her daughter…..and her mother. The parallels with Demeter and Persephone are something that I find very interesting. She even spent some time talking about Hecate and you know how I feel about her.

That is a tattoo of Hecate’s wheel  that I had  done in June of 2016. Needless to say I  have always had an affinity to Hecate.

I have really been missing my mom lately so maybe that’s why it’s hitting home? The wanting to leave and move to a new place? Her daughter leaving the nest? So much of her story resonates with me….I’m so glad I picked it up. Yesterday after I dropped the girl off at school I had a pomegranate mimosa while I was crafting and listening to the book. Oh…and she keeps excellent tabs on her dreams and does a good job of figuring them out. I really like this woman and her daughter. She also writes fabulous fiction, I have read two of her books. The Secret Life of Bees and The Invention of Wings, both were excellent.

Not too many things speak to me in this way…”yes this, right now…this!” I borrowed it from the library on Saturday and I have two more discs to go. (there were only 8) I have been getting quite a bit done these past two days and even some new things. I will take pictures tomorrow.

Sunday I had lunch with RD and look at this unique pillow she gave me. I love it!

I may not be writing like I should but I have faith that I will finish my story. This is a perfect present! RD also got the girl her first job so fingers crossed it all works out. It’s only on Saturdays for four hours which couldn’t be more perfect. I really hope it works out.

I was stood up for the first time in my life today. It wasn’t horrible though, I sat in a relaxing setting for an hour. I was the only person in the restaurant so that made it a little better. My wine steward friend feels worse than I do. It’s rare to know two people with my name and when my texts pop up in the middle of her work texts, I can see how it happened. I took my salad to go and ran a couple of errands. I’m not even mad, I was a little irritated while it was happening but that’s about it.

One of my friends received her Christmas card yesterday and she sent me this picture…..

I love it when someone sends me a picture of how they display an item I made for them. I makes me happy.

I had an access bars session tonight which was long overdue. My brother and sister in law gave me a gift certificate for my birthday. I had the appointment in place before I received it. The only difference is that I got an extra fifteen minutes so I opted for a shoulder massage. My shoulder has been bothering me as of late.  I really need to get back to yoga, it did wonders for my shoulder.  Sometimes she sees things during bars and in my case whatever creature it is, always has wings. Today she saw a red dragon….

A red dragon with golds eyes. Thank you Ruth Thompson for having the perfect image for me. Ruth has some great deals going on right now so if you like fantasy art she is one of the best.  http://redrooart.com/  Her Beauty is one of my favorite pieces and is the focal point of my current living room.

Sorry about the commercial but I really like Ruth’s art. My dream job is working for her….traveling the country to every renaissance fair, selling her art, getting to dress up every day. Who wouldn’t love that job? I would love to see the world, I just haven’t figured out how to accomplish that yet……Zia

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