Book Review: Forever Doon

Forever Doon by Carey Corp and Lorie Langdon.  The cover spreads out to form a cohesive image – the broken Brig o’ Doon!

Veronica Welling and Mackenna Reid – two American teenagers who were given a chance at a happy ever after in the Scottish kingdom of Doon, a mythical land hidden from the modern realm. But something always seems to keep the happiness at bay – whether drama with their royal boyfriends, inner demons of self-doubt, or a curse plaguing their city. Now, the heart-thumping conclusion (or hopefully not…) to the Doon series, the best friends must confront evil incarnate and her army of the undead. In the last book, the girls learned that the banished witch of Doon – Adelaide Blackmore Cadell – had snuck back into the Kingdom under the guise of Queen Veronica’s sweet assistant, Emily. She forced many citizens to turn against the rightful queen and pledge allegiance to Addie. Miraculously spared from the gallows, the witch holds future king Jamie McCrae prisoner, which may prove a worse fate than his scheduled hanging. Can he withstand the torture, even when the witch can morph into any human she wants? Veronica believes him dead, which strikes her harder than any physical blow. Can she turn her sorrow into determination and rise up to be the queen that Doon needs? Meanwhile, Mackenna and Duncan are trapped in modern-day Alloway with Fiona and other Doonians. Mysterious people from around the world begin to arrive, feeling Called to a purpose. But is the ragtag group of travelers enough to raise an army to defeat evil itself? And what happens when Duncan turns into a ruthless drill sergeant when Kenna wants to fight? Told from all four main characters’ perspectives, Forever Doon takes readers far from the petty dramas of the previous stories and onto the bloody battlefields, into the torture chamber, and into four hearts grappling with faith in each other and the Protector.

Wow. Never when I picked up this series did I believe it would take hold of me like it has. Fresh off the plane from Scotland, I wanted to read fiction books about Scotland to continue my visit to the picturesque land, if only in my mind. What I got was so much more! The Doon series continues to weigh on my mind and heart. It’s one of the best series I have read in a long time. The characters are funny, compelling, and experience believable growth. In this book especially, I got to see Vee and Kenna do things that they never would have in earlier books, like throw axes, wield swords, throw grenades, lead an army, and more. I got to see kilt-wearing princes make Lord of the Rings references. (Actually, no kilts were worn in the fourth book. Sad face). I got to watch lonely, abandoned girls come to faith in God. My faith was strengthened through reading this series, which I can rarely say about fiction.

To Quote from the Acknowledgements: “That out words can enable someone to be braver or kinder, inspire them to create instead of tear down, or persuade then to love when others would hate is humbling. If even one person is challenged to make the world a little bit better because of something they read, that is magic, indeed.” The authors have done this for me. Oh and if you write more Doon novels – keep up the 4 different perspectives! I loved it.

If you like YA, Scotland, or fantasy, please read this book and immerse yourself in the Dooniverse – you’ll never want to go home.

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