Book Review: Legacy by Jacquelin Thomas

Ms. Thomas does it again! I have read a few of her books and I am continuously  surprised by how she sucks you into a story. This book is no different.

Eleanor Toussaint Blakemore makes a decision that she believes will ensure the kind of life she wants for herself and offers no apologies for the choices she’s made. However, a car accident places Eleanor in a comatose state where she comes face-to-face with the past. Despite her blond hair and blue eyes, Myra Toussaint Madison embraces her blackness. She accuses her sister of being a traitor to her race when she decides to disconnect from the African American community. When Eleanor comes out of her coma, will she and Myra finally be able to come together in unity and love?

The artful way in which she weaves you back and forth is stunning. The storyline manages to keep you wanting to know more about each character. I could not stop reading this book. The  only short coming of the book is that I truly wished that we could have spent more time in the 1800’s story. There is even a little surprise at the end that took my breath away.

This should be at the top of your must reads. There has to be a Part 2 because I absolutely have to know more. It should be called Inheritance and follow characters that we meet in passing. There was excellent character development and back story  for each stop along the way. The life lessons learned along the way for Eleanor were invaluable.


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