Hey Guys!
It is time for another book review, and this one is a special one. This is the 100th book that I have read this year! I am very proud of myself. I honestly did not think that I would manage to keep up reading two books a week but not only have I kept it up, I have done more. whoop whoop! Anyway, let’s get to the actual review. today I am not only review my 100th book, I am finishing a trilogy. that’s right, I have finally read the final book in the Miss Peregrines series by Ransom Riggs. So, without further ado, here is my review for Library Of Souls.
Oh I really don’t know how I feel about this series. I have mentioned before that I don’t really click with the books and this final instalment was no exception. I really wish that I got on with these book slightly better, because there are elements of the story that I like. I really like the world and the general Peculiar idea. I just don’t like the storylines in the trilogy. and I don’t know why. by all accounts, I should.
But anyway, despite my lack of love for these books, I do feel that this was a good end to the story. it wrapped everything up and concluded all the storylines. It’s weird because so much happened in this book, so many storylines converged and culminated into the big finale, and yet, while reading it, I didn’t really feel like anything was happening. It just felt very slow, even though the story was constantly moving forward. I don’t know why it felt so slow to me as even in the book there are themes of time of running out and needing to hurry. But, even with the slow pace, I did still like the way that the storylines slowly came together and resolved themselves. Although I did figure out all of the major plot twists pretty quickly (I mean the one right at the end I knew was going to happen since book 1).
I was a bit disappointed with the characters in this book. You didn’t get to see the diverse cast of characters that I had grown used to in this book, instead it is purely focused on Jacob and Emma, and a lot on their relationship as well. It was a shame that we didn’t get to see more of the other characters or be introduced and get know new ones. I mean there where only about 3 new characters introduced in this book and you never really got to know any of them. but my main disappointment in this book was Jacob. Or more specifically his sudden unexplained ability to use his power, after struggling to the whole book. No real explanation was given to why it just suddenly clicked into place and that did annoy me. That was the perfect time for Riggs to expand on peculiars in general, and he just completely skipped it.
Overall, I didn’t hate this book, but I didn’t love it either. I really don’t get what all the hype is about with this series. It’s alright, but nothing to write home about. Also, I hated the ending. It was all to neatly wrapped up. it felt forced.
3.5 out of 5
And there we have it. that was my 100th read of the year. Have you read this series yet? What do you think about it? I hope that you have enjoyed todays post and I will see you all again very soon.
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