Book Review of Creating Calm in the Center of Crazy: Making Room for Your Soul in an Overcrowded Life by Nicole Johnson

Creating Calm in the Center of Crazy: Making Room for Your Soul in an Overcrowded Life by Nicole Johnson was published on June 6th, 2017 by Zondervan Publishing. Are you working harder than ever but feel like you’re accomplishing less? Does your morning routine make chickens running around headless look sane? Is your deepest sense of calm found in the bathroom with the door locked? Do you check social media more than five times per day? Per hour?

Author, speaker, and actor Nicole Johnson knows what it’s like to feel as if you’re drowning in crazy. When she couldn’t catch her breath or stay awake long enough to talk with her husband, let alone God, she sought to find new ways of “being” in her life. Creating Calm in the Center of Crazy is a voice of possibility and peace for women seeking to find a calm spiritual center in a crazy, runaway world. As a wife and mom of young children herself, Nicole recognized that life had become out of control. And, with the help of a crisis, she started her journey to create the very calm she was craving. Nicole’s voice is authentic, humorous, and practical, and at the same time deeply spiritual and real. She brings rich storytelling together with her desire to find calm, and in the process discovers a deeper faith. Her personal story grounds the book as she abandons mere tips and tricks (and the empty promises of time saving apps), to explore new practices—like creating a room of her own, setting technology boundaries, rediscovering the spiritual disciplines of quiet and still (they’re not bad words)—and then extending those practices to provide a safer, stronger refuge for calm to dwell. Nicole’s journey is shared with relatable stories, insightful help, and practical ideas that explore the inner life of a recovering crazy busy woman finding her way to calm and a deeper relationship with God.

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About the author: Nicole Johnson, author of Fresh Brewed Life, has a uniquely creative voice. As an accomplished writer, speaker, and actor, Nicole has performed in thousands of churches and venues over the last twenty-five years, including more than a decade of touring with the national conference Women of Faith. Nicole lives in Santa Monica, CA with her husband and two children. Nicole writes regularly at

My thoughts: Author Nicole Johnson knows what it is like to feel as if you are drowning in crazy. Creating Calm in the Center of Crazy is a book that a lot people can relate to. After realizing that she could not catch her breath or stay awake long enough to talk to her husband, Johnson sought out away to find calm in the middle of all her craziness. This book is full of rich detailed storytelling that is deeply spiritual and honest. I like how Johnson shares her personal stories and how she found a way to help her create spiritual calmness like turning off technology. I feel that I learned knew ways to find peace and calmness after reading this book. I highly recommend this book for anyone who feels like they are drowning in life due to all the daily pulls of life. **I received a complimentary copy from book look in exchange for my honest and unbiased review.** 

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