Books to Read & Illuminate in 2018 (Pt. 1!)

I want to read more in 2018. I want to delve into more books to inspire me, that make me smile, that help me build powerful habits – and I want to share them with you too. If you’re anything like me, I love reading, butttt I always struggle to find the time or always have something more important to do…
BUT this year, no more! I will be getting my nose stuck in some books and you can keep me accountable (as I promised I will post them here!)
With no further adieu… my 2018 reading list below (so far anyway…)

Miracle Mornings by Hal Elrod

When I kept seeing Miracle Mornings on people’s Instagram feeds and when I happened upon it in Waterstone’s (a UK book store for those of you who don’t know!) I took it as a sign. Especially as I was finding it impossibly difficult to drag myself out of bed… I have already started reading this one and although the sentiment behind it is relatively simple and obvious I am hoping (and believing) it could be rather an efficient one. But I will have to get back to you on that one in a couple of weeks time!

Judgement Detox by Gabrielle Bernstein

Gabby Bernstein is possibly my favourite spiritual writer of all time. I love her narration, her anecdotes, her comparisons, her voice (I listened to The Universe Has Your Back on audiobook the first time if you thought this was an unusual thing to comment on…) and I have read nearly all her books.
When Judgement Detox was available to pre-order I was on that! Especially as you could get access to her live Super Attractor event (which was AH-MA-ZING by the way), after listening to podcasts about it and FINALLY receiving it on January 2nd I am so excited to get involved in this book and release myself from what is holding me back.

Braving by Brené Brown

If you have never watched either of Brené Brown incredible Ted Talks, I recommend you do it. Right now. You can come back to me later.
Brené researches shame and vulnerability. She is her 100% authentic self and that is one of the main reasons I would like to read this book! One of my intentions for 2018 is to be my most authentic self – and Brené embodies this.

The Inner Beauty Bible: Mindful Rituals to Nourish the Soul by Laurey Simmons

This is a book that popped up on my Amazon suggested list (the internet clearly knows what I am about now…) and I loved the idea behind it! It’s a gorgeous book filled with rituals for an array of occasions, from weddings to full moons, and I find that SUPER exciting. One of my 2018 intentions (you can read about them here…!) is to develop my own morning and self care rituals, so this book came to me at the right time. ‘Cause the Universe Has My Back!

Moonology by Yasmin Boland

So many of IG-ers on my social media feed have talked about the moon in one way or another, the yogis, the wellness bloggers, the fitness accounts, all mentioning ‘la luna’. Which developed my curiosity… And this book seemed perfect.
And when I visited her website this line sealed the deal ‘You were born magic. Working with the Moon will help you remember your powers’. I am ready to create MAGIC.

SO I will post you a little review of these books once I have read them – so watch this space