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Hammer's Fall (2014)

by Laurie Roma(Favorite Author)
3.96 of 5 Votes: 2
Evernight Publishing
The Breakers' Bad Boys
review 1: I don't think I've read a sweeter,more considerate H than Hammer. Always taking care of Kali,doing things for her, without her having to ask. He's an ex army,MMA fighter with a serious thing for the cute little owner of the bakery down the street. Kali is initially surprised by Hammer's interest. Her parents and ex are horrible to her. They tell her she needs to lose weight and that she'll never a get man looking like she does. Hammer along with Breakers townsfolk make a great life for them regardless of her family's attitude. I like the potential for more story's -Nikita,Evie,Daryk Nyght(love the name), and Dante,I can't wait to read their stories!
review 2: This was my first book of her's that I have read but it won't be the last one. Her first book in the B
... morereaker's Bad Boy's series was really good. I enjoyed the idea of the ex-military, ex-cage fighter and now gym/rehab owner and the sweet baker being together. This is a very good book and I will be reading more of her work. Hammer has liked Kali from the day he bought the land across the road from her bakery and now he gets his chance to be with her. Kali is a strong woman who doesn't have a good family who supports her. Hammer gets to spend time with Kali and shows her that she is his life. There's a little sex in here but the love is in there, too. I think you will enjoy reading this book. I know that I did. less
Reviews (see all)
Reminds me a little bit of Roxie Rivera's Fighting Connolly's series. Not necessarily a criticism.
DNF. Unfortuately I couldn't finish this one. Problems with the bored and averageness of it.
Loved it! First book of a fun sexy series.
Lovit :)) hot, sexy and romantic :D
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