Challenge: Attending a focus group about the honors college
What I am afraid of: There being too many people there and them turning me down
How it went: Last week I got a weekly email from the honors college about there being a focus group today. I put it in my calendar and decided to go. My roommate was interested in going too, so we decided to head down together. We showed up about 8 minutes early, but there was no one in the room. We took a lap around the building and came back about 3 minutes before the start. We walked in the room and sat down. Another person came in 30 seconds after we walked in that was there for the focus group as well. We all introduced ourselves and sat down. We were in there for about 10 minutes and decided no one was coming. So we left. I was pretty confused and I wanted to stop by the honors office and ask what was up, but they were closed. Oh well. It was a good effort I guess. I was actually slightly disappointed I didn’t get a chance to participate in the focus group.