Deep Blue Something

I believe that is the name of the group that wrote the 1993 song Breakfast at Tiffany’s (I just checked- it is. I swear I should have won a round of quizzo by now!). This song is held near and dear to my heart, it is “our song” our being Casey, who I mentioned in an earlier post, and myself. The song is based off of the 1961 movie, of course, which is based off of the novella written by Mr. Truman Capote. The reason I mention any of this is because after a rough morning (anxiety, PMS, coughed so hard I had to vomit EW!) I am sitting up in bed watching the film on PBS. PBS is the bomb dot com for so many reasons, but today, on a day that began so rocky, PBS shall be praised for their excellent timing of playing Breakfast at Tiffany’s.

Apparently Ms. Holly Golightly was a call girl in Capote’s version- and although not portrayed explicitly in the film, it would seem to be a similar situation. In conclusion, fate would have it that PBS rocks harder than Bon Jovi, and Audrey Hepburn crooning out “Moon River” is soothing for the soul!

*Breaking News* Buckwheat the bunny has dropped one ear. Just one. Check out the precious little guy!

Buckwheat is growing up wayyy too fast if you ask me!


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