This week we took advantage of a little brother free evening and worked on eggs Friday night instead of waiting until Sunday.
Tonight, we used napkins and tissue paper to decoupage eggs. I saw no reason to worry with the blowing of and maintaining fragile eggs shells, so we used white plastic eggs.
You can kind of see our first eggs drying while she works. Hers is at the top, a bit capsule shaped.
She just jumped right in without thinking ahead too much or about the shape of the egg. For her next egg, I drew her attention to what I was doing and we talked a little about planning and details.
Now, there are a few people in my life who always seem to think I’m a far more accomplished crafter than I truly am. Most of the time I’m making it up as I go, barely managing to find a way to make stuff work with the usually inadequate materials I have on hand. I’ve never actually done decoupage before, much less on a curved surface, so this was an adventure for me as well.
By her third egg, she’d kind of gotten the hang of it. She decided that since her first two eggs were napkins designs on matching tissue paper, she’d make her third one all mismatched. She used bits and pieces, and she even figured out that smaller pieces lay flat to the egg more easily.
We used Modge Podge and foam paint brushes: glue on the eggs, paper on the glue, glue on top. Then we let it dry 20 min and for the top coat we decided to do them half an egg at time so they wouldn’t dry to the soda caps we were using as stands. Paint the top half of the egg, wait 20 min, paint the bottom half of the egg, wait 20 min and repeat. Two coats each end.
Her third, first, second, my first, second, and third.
Yes, I used the caps off 20 oz soda bottles for egg stands. It was the lowest amount of contact I could manage.
My second egg is my Arendelle egg, made from a Frozen napkin my daughter didn’t think was Eastery until I started cutting it to pieces. My third is my favorite, I think, but if her second had been as smooth as her third I think it might have been.
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