For boredom’s sake

Boredom is the enemy, kept at bay with the smartphone.  As Clive Thomas writes, “If you have a planet’s worth of entertainment in your pocket, it’s easy to stave off ennui.”

But boredom is beneficial, and embracing it may be a key element to unlocking your potential.

“Boredom might spark creativity because a restless mind hungers for stimulation.” — Clive Thompson

Staying bored is the challenge of no challenge. But by starving yourself of screen staring, you stimulate new ways of thinking to keep yourself entertained.

People get great ideas in the shower or driving their car because they can’t do anything else. The author Neil Gaiman believes that the best way to write a book is to be so bored you don’t have a choice.

So practice delaying the smartphone itch every once in a while; otherwise, you’ll keep filling your mind up with crap.

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