Is Senioritis Real?

By Maria Martinez
Blog Content Contributor

Senioritis (n): A supposed affliction of students in their final year of high school or college, characterized by a decline in motivation or performance.

I am in my last semester of college and I swear that senioritis is a real thing. I didn’t suffer as much from this condition when I was in my last year of high school; but right now, I don’t know what is happening to me. I don’t even recognize myself.

A lot of people have gone through this “illness,” or at least have heard of it. When I hear this word, the first thing that pops to my head, is seniors skipping classes. But I have found out that senioritis is not just that; it is a different thing for every future grad.

In fact, let’s start with me. I want to maintain my GPA to graduate Summa Cum Laude, so I have been putting extra effort to my academics and not so much to my social and work life. I get home from school so exhausted that I just want to lay down and rest. But guess what… I obviously can’t because I have millions of other responsibilities to do. I have been slacking off from things that are important to me because I want to get all A’s in my classes; and this is not right. I would love to see my friends more, do better at my job, exercise but I just can’t do everything. Instead of balancing my priorities, I keep putting some down. This doesn’t happen only to me; this is the case of many seniors. However, some choose their social life, others their work life over school or vice versa. We have so many things in our plate that we can’t seem to excel in all of them.

For some other seniors, the next chapter of life is ready and waiting, and school might understandably be a bit unappealing. Remember when we were in high school and we were all super excited that we have been accepted to college? Yes, right? School work was irrelevant for us. The same thing happens to college seniors. Many future graduates have already jobs lined up for them, so why even bother keep doing homework or go to class if they have something secure already. They are looking forward to what is coming that they forget they still have a couple weeks left here.

In no time, you will be lounging by the river. Stay strong my friends. Photo by Madison Tyson.

Lastly, many of us don’t know what is going to happen with our lives after we get our diploma. We are currently applying to grad school and jobs… anxiously waiting for someone to respond. People around us keep asking “what’s your major? Do you have a job yet? What’s an average salary for someone just starting out?” Which creates a lot of stress and anxiety, causing us to just lie in bed all day and watch every season of Shameless. But relax, everything will work out. Have some time for yourself to think about your plans, but don’t waste your whole day doing nothing.

So seniors, don’t feel bad; you are not the only one going through senioritis thing. We all are ready to close this chapter and start a new one; work, grad school or whatever it may be. And in the bright side, this “disease” will be over soon for all of us, because the only cure is graduation.

Good luck seniors. You can do it! Don’t let senioritis get the best of you.

Featured image by Tafari Robertson.


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