Isaiah’s Daughter: A Novel of Prophets and Kings by Mesu Andrews

Isaiah’s Daughter, Written by Mesu Andrews is a fictional story based on the prophet Isaiah, his family and especially his adoptive daughter, Ishma. Using Bible verses, the author tells us the story of Ishma and her friend Yaira, who were taken captive by Israel-soldiers who attacked Bethlehem. They travel to Jerusalem and are taken into Isaiah’s family. Following the attacks that killed her family, Ishma no longer speaks.

King Ahaz, of Jerusalem, declared the first born sons would be sacrificed. He sacrificed his oldest son. From that day on his next oldest son, Hezekiah, showed no response, staring blankly. Isaiah’s wife invited the Queen and her son to visit. During this visit, Ishma talked with Hezekiah and he responded to her. This was the beginning of their friendship.

This is a very good book. The story, told to us by Ishma, tells us the struggles the people of that time had. The wars that took place as well as the idol worshiping and religious beliefs. I especially like how the author builds her story around Bible verses to help us understand what it could have been like. This story is so well written it was easy to visualize Ishma cooing to her doves as well as the dangers the people were in with the threats from Assyria.

While reading this book, I wondered how we would respond to having prophets today. Would we take what they have to say seriously? If we did, would we be steadfast and patient while we wait for the fulfillment of the prophesy?

I received a copy of this book from Blogging for Books. I have written an honest review.

400 pages

ISBN: 9780735290259

Publisher: Waterbrook

To learn more about the author and books she has written go to:

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