It’s All In The Planets: Preeti Shenoy


Aniket and Nidhi meet on a train.  Aniket has a hot model girlfriend who doesn’t treat him well and Nidhi’s boyfriend takes her for granted.  Nidhi agrees to be Aniket’s ‘relationship coach’.  From this start, the story follows the most predictable path possible with one twist thrown in for fun.  You know from page one, how is this going to end and Shenoy does little to make the journey worthwhile.  The twist helps a bit but not much.  The writing is ordinary at best and amateurish  when it’s not.  Sometimes, I wonder if any serious editing is done for Indian best-selling authors – or their books just make it to the market as received.  What was up, for instance, with entire stretches of dialogs repeated verbatim from one chapter to the next with a change in POV?  Was the book short of its required length or do the publishers think the reader really really dumb that she has to be told everything twice?

Don’t bother.

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