My lights were off. Two hours to midnight. I had the covers on me and the headset plugged to my ears. I can’t even remember what song was playing. All I know was that I jumped out of bed, turned the lights back on and came here to my desk…all because of LOVE.
The truth is, I experienced two loves today or reached a conclusion about it or whatever. Anyway, I really really used to look forward to reading The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger. I got intrigued by it because it is among the list of most “controversial” books in many websites I’ve checked out.
Wait, where’s the love in that? Alright let me rephrase: I loved to read Salinger’s Catcher in the Rye. That’s it and boy, it’s a godddam depressing book that’d make you puke and all for Chrissake!
Haha. That’s how the book was written, I mean the language used there. You’d lost count of the “boy”, “and all”, “depressed”, “puke” and “chrissake”.
It’s really really annoying. The character Holden Caulfield was always depressed of almost everything and everyone around him which left me so depressed reading such a folking book. I could relate to him sometimes like about his partially liking and partially disliking people and being so annoyed of them but missing them sometimes anyway and of the world being full of phonies.
It took me 23 chapters too late to realize that the bastard’s tale was going nowhere. It’s full of blahs. Anyone can write something like that. It’s like a stupid miserable diary of a stupid miserable person. Anyway I skipped to the last chapter which is the 26th, which means I haven’t salvaged myself much from reading such a goddam book. And there! Ugh! None of the preceding chapters contributed to the gravity (if it has) of the ending. I mean you could just read the first chapter and skip all the folking 24 chapters and go right on to the final one. Or don’t read it at all! Learn from my mistake. LOL.
Oh wait. Where’s the love in that that inspired me to entitle this post with the same word? I’ve got one word for you. LMAO. LOL. ROFL. Wait that’s three. Anyway.
I was depressed and all of the book’s ending not because it was tragic but because it sucked! Big time! Anyway, I tossed the book to the foot of my bed so that I could unconsciously kick it, bruise it and kill it in my sleep. And whoa! With the special effects of a big deep voice like God’s in old testament films, my brother called me from the other room that a mutual friend of ours sent something for me!In slow motion my door opened and my brother was in a long white robe and he was kind of floating and glowing and he’s got this yellow halo over his head.
Behold and lo!
He handed to me this crumpled white plastic bag which obviously ruined my grand imagination. But when I opened it tada! It was too bright that I could hardly see. I was going blind I thought.
Hahahaha. Seriously, there was this neon green post-it-note on top the peanut kisses plastic container. I got on my knees and wept like a baby, raised my arms and worshiped the food. Hahahaha.
Anyways, it was quite a twist in my day. I was out the whole day blah blah, tired and depressed of the darn book. I was in bed so early hurrying up for what might be a good day the next day. But there! Surprise, surprise.
Oh! I am to write about love. So yeah. This is one of the things that I love– surprises (except surprise home visits, it annoys me). So there, because of my friend’s surprise gift, I can’t sleep now because that was just sweet, literally the food, not the act. It boosted my energy hence I can’t fall asleep. But I’m not mad, in fact I’m formulating in my mind how to revenge that person, I mean how to return the kindness.
Oh love! Hahaha. Were you expecting to read a different kind of love? Because you love love? Well sorry if I’ve disappointed you like how Salinger disappointed me. But who knows, you might suddenly receive a gift today and then you’ll get so inspired to talk about love. LOL.
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