Pork! A singular sensation.

WOW! Where has the year gone? It is almost time for Santa  Paws and then BAM! The new year will be here before you know it. I think it has been a pretty good year. I cannot wait to see what next year brings us. Hopefully more treats, toys, and fun times with my humans.

The kitties are furiously working on their post about a scratching post. When there are three of them, it takes time to decide on what to say and who is going to write what. At this rate, it might be done in 5 years, Sheesh.

No surprise that I love treats. So this month, I picked out a treat that is made with a single ingredient. Yep you read that right, one ingredient.

It is called Tylee’s Human Grade Pork Jerky. It is made with pork sirloin. That is it folks. No preservative, no seasonings, no added anything. Just pork sirloin. Some of you may be thinking, but I like a little rosemary with my meat. Guess what, you will not miss it at all. Limited ingredient treats are pretty darn tasty. I love lots of those kinds of treats, but this single ingredient treat is AMAZING! I kept asking for more and more.

The jerky is made from the same pork that mom or dad would buy and  make for themselves. Even though it is human grade, only pups should be snacking on this tasty treat. Find your own salt filled jerky okay? I prefer mine all natural.

Tylee’s uses a natural drying process so that they don’t have to add anything to it to preserve it like some other jerky’s. They are dehydrated and thinly sliced, so they are perfect for anywhere. Plus since they are thinly sliced you can break them into small pieces and cut down on the calories for those of you watching your weight or trying to maintain your current weight.

Take a look at the size of this jerky! I only got big pieces for the review. All other pieces have been torn into smaller pieces to cut down on calorie intake and to make the bag last longer.

I know you are jealous of the tasty business that I got to have.

I thought these treats were pawsome. They were chewy and delicious. Mom really likes the idea of being able to make them smaller to cut down on calorie intake. I would really prefer the whole piece!

Tylee’s is made right in the United States, which is pretty important for pet parents when looking for healthy treats to feed their pups. The pork version is about 33 calories per piece, but can very due to size. They also come in  Turkey and Chicken. So you have three different proteins to choose from. I bet the Chicken and Turkey are delicious too!

I think that these are worthy of four paws up!  They are tasty, have zero added ingredients, and are made here in the USA!

Tylee’s also makes food for us pups too! You can check out their products here.

Don’t forget to look at everything else that Chewy.com has to offer.

Watch me in action on my instagram page!

************We received this product at no cost to us in exchange for an honest review, all thoughts and opinions are mine and mine alone***************


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