Rejoicing in Christ (Book Blurbs)

With Thanksgiving only a day away, I thought today might be a good day to share Reeves’s book as a reminder of why and in whom we rejoice and give thanks.

In Rejoicing in Christ, Reeves does a masterful job of putting Christ as the focal point of the gospel. The gospel is not that Jesus helps us get to heaven and then disappears, but that through the work of Jesus we come to know God and share in the relationship of the Triune God. As such, we treasure Jesus above all things. Although mentioning deeper points of christological doctrine, Reeves’s focus is in putting Jesus on display as our high priest, creator, etc. This approach is both theologically rich and immediately practical. This is an excellent introduction to Christology because it keeps the person of Jesus at the forefront, which hopefully helps readers from missing the person of Jesus amid deeper doctrinal study. This is an excellent follow-up to his earlier work, Delighting in the Trinity, which is likewise a phenomenal book.

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