Research Files: Setting Part I

Hello Everyone, welcome to my very first Research File post. Before I get to the actual topic of today’s post, let me tell you a bit about the Research Files. Research Files will be a series of posts that deal with different aspects of my journey in writing Deadly Deception (which has now taken on a different shape then I originally planned. More on that later).

Without further ado, I give you today’s topic: setting.

Over the course of Deadly Deception my characters (and readers) will be transported to a great many places in England.

Oh, on a side note that just occurred to me (sorry. *insert guilty face* I would use an emoji to show this but I have no clue as to what that would be) these setting related research files may not be in chronological order. So fair warning.

Okay back to today’s topic.

Today’s stop is Buckinghamshire, England. Or to be more specific the location is near the village of Ellesborough. We are looking at Chequers the country manor of Britain’s Prime Ministers including Winston Churchill. It became the official residence of the prime ministers in 1921.

Photo taken from Wikipedia.

The purpose of this setting is to provide a location for Mary Churchill’s, youngest daughter of Winston and Clementine, nineteenth birthday party. I had a blast pouring through my research book: Checquers: The Prime Ministers Country House and History by Norma Major. It was neat to see the lovely photographs and learn of the secret passageways.

However despite the fun I had researching this location, I am still not quite sold on if I should have the party here or at their family home in Kent. I almost feel that it would be held at their family home since it is more of a private affair than a public one.

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