Review: Commander In Chief (The White House Series #2) by Katy Evans

Title: Commander in Chief
Author: Katy Evans
Publisher/Year:  CreateSpace Publishing 1/8/17
Length:   304 Pages
Series:  White House Series #2


We fell in love during the campaign.
The stakes were high.
Reputations could have been ruined.
Scandal hovered over us like a cloud.
Now the man I love is the President of the United States of America.
And its not my vote he is after.
He wants it all.
My heart. My body. My soul.
He wants me by his side.
In the White House.
Normalcy will be gone from my life, privacy forgotten.
I am only twenty three. I just wanted to play a part in history. But it seems like history wasn’t done with me. The part where I lost my heart to Matthew Hamilton? It was only the beginning…

My Thoughts

When all was taboo in the first book, the idea that Matt and Charlotte knew that if they were caught, everything that he was working towards would be for nothing, well life does go on.  And likely not in the way that anyone wanted.

She walked away – she had to.  Charlotte knew that the premise of Matt being the single President was something that the public liked – he made it a point to talk about the virtue of what he was and what he did and not needing a first lady, and she was willing to give up what she loved – who she loved so that he could live his dreams.  So that takes her on a trip to Europe where she was able to put distance between them.

That distance proves not to be enough when she comes back to DC for the inauguration, and their connection is as strong as ever.  Matt finds out which ball she’ll be at, and they seem to pick up right where they left off.  He offers her the chance to be his acting First Lady – a chance to move into the White house so they can be together, but still have the aura of nothing major going on since that would still ruin reputations.

That of course doesn’t last long – while Charlotte wants to make her mark as the first lady before any relationship details come out, it’s something that Matt can’t hide anymore.  The public loves them together – and that’s what matters.

So we go with them on their journey of how to balance their romance, make it real since it’s quite significant, while also watching how Matt struggles with not becoming the man that his father was to his family.  It’s sweet to see the level of growth that he has, and how he really does put life first even though he’s such a successful president.

There are other story lines going on too that makes this not just a romance story.  We see that Matt opens the book again on who killed his father, and is led to dead end after dead end. I kind of wish they had a different outcome, but i guess they got the closure that they needed.

Then there are the trials and tribulations of being a political couple, and having life just get in the way – and then of course it’s time for re-election.  So – all in all a nice and complete story in a 2 book series.  i hope you guys enjoy it!

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