Scrabble and 2018


These were my choices, at least the ones I thought of for today.

Honestly, all three of them had potential in them to wrote about.

And then it struck me. Z is the last letter. The end of the alphabet. The last one.

It is the letter that comes after all the other letters are spoken. A to Z.

And now for you Scrabble geeks…

The Word – Zee (The letter Z is spelled Zee)

The Worth – Revelation 1:8 says it all, “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.”

God is the beginning (Alpha) and the end (Omega).

Omega is the last letter of the greek alphabet

Everything started with Him and everything will end with Him.

My years here on this earth are just a short blip on the radar of all time.

He knew me before I ever drew a breath. My life is in His hands.

If you read the rest of Revelation, crazy things will happen.

But at the end of it all, God will be left standing.

And we can stand with Him!

I find great comfort in that truth.

The Work – We can get caught up in making resolutions and goals for 2018. The slate is clean so we try not to get it dirty again. That is great and all but it seems that it is just a matter of time before we fall back, break resolutions, or make a mistake.

But God is in the end! So let’s try to live with the end in mind.

Put your hope, faith, trust in who God is and live for Him. That is how 2018 is going to be the best year of our lives!

Thank you friends for taking two minutes out of your day to read these posts.

I am trusting God for amazing things in 2018, see you next year!

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