Recently (this Christmas) I started doing a little segmented ring wood turning. For the project I was making — a travel mug — I glued up 10 – 4.5″ rings using 80 pieces of pine, 1-23/32″ long at a miter angle of 22.5 degrees, using 8 segments per ring.
Recognizing how annoying this was to figure out, especially for someone like me just starting out with this kind of thing, I’m posting the following table that gives the measurements for making segmented rings from 2″ up to 16″ in diameter, and from 4 up to 36 segments.
You can download the table for free here, or scroll down to view it as a set of images on this post.
Segmented Ring Measurements Table (.pdf) – Free Download
Point to Point Diameter (in) = The actual diameter from point to point of the assembled ring.
Number of Segments = The number of segments needed to make the ring.
Maximum Turned Diameter (in) = The maximum diameter of the ring you could feasibly get from the ring of segments.
Inside Segment Angle (deg) = If you were to trace a triangle for the piece to the center of the ring, this is the angle you would have (mostly informational).
Miter Cut Angle (deg) = Set your miter saw (or miter gauge on your table saw) to this.
Segment Length (in) = The outside length of the segment you need to make a ring.