The 13-Storey Treehouse – by Andy Griffiths & Terry Denton

Andy and Terry live in a treehouse. But it’s not just any old treehouse, it’s the most amazing treehouse in the world!

This treehouse has thirteen stories, a bowling alley, a see-through swimming pool, a secret underground laboratory, and a marshmallow machine that follows you around and automatically shoots marshmallows into your mouth whenever you are hungry. Life would be perfect for Andy and Terry if it wasn’t for the fact that they have to write their next book, which is almost impossible because there are just so many distractions, including thirteen flying cats, giant bananas, mermaids, a sea monsters pretending to be mermaids, enormous gorillas, and dangerous burp gas-bubblegum bubbles!


This is a huge bestseller! It’s extremely popular among kids in our library, but it took a long time for me to pick it up. I must say I was a bit disappointed with this one.

I knew this would be a lightweight children’s book. Its main focus being goofy jokes accompanied by funny illustrations. I absolutely enjoyed the humour. I adored the detailed illustrations. The storyline…not so much.

I believe you can write hysterically funny children’s books with an excellent story. Take Roald Dahl for example. You can’t find funnier books than that! And his books are detailed, full-bodied stories that are packed with detailed descriptions, rich language and excitement. This story was lacking all of that. There were some crazy moments with flying cats, a giant gorilla and what not, but never was there a moment I felt carried away.

I understand why kids enjoy reading these books. Writing a 250 pages book that children can read in a day – that’s quite something. Their reading-egos will be boosting with confidence. And they will most likely have read all the books in the series within a week. You can’t beat that kind of joy for reading, and the author/illustrator has done a great job in that apartment.

RATING ⭐️⭐️⭐️ out of ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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