The Beloved Christmas Quilt by Wanda, Jean and Richelle Brunstetter

The Beloved Christmas Quilt is a collection of three novellas that followed an Amish family through three generations of women.

Luella’s Promise by Wanda E. Brunstetter is the story of Luella. Luella was caring for Dena Zook and her family. Dena knew her life was coming to an end and gave Luella a quilt that her mother made her.

Karen’s Gift by Jean Brunstetter is the story of Karen, Luella’s daughter. Karen and her husband moved away from their families. Karen struggled with not having her family near her and turned to the Bible verse on the back of the quilt her mother past on to her.

Roseanna’s Groom by Richelle Brunstetter is the story of Roseanna, Karen’s daughter. Roseanna was ready to be married when her groom ran away from the wedding and from the area. Her old boyfriend came back to town and she struggled with her feelings for the two men. She went to stay with her grandparents. Her grandmother Luella shared a bible verse with her. “For thou are my rock and my fortress; therefore for thy name’s sake lead me, and guide me” – Psalm 31.3

This is a very good book that follows three generations and shows us the faith and love they each have. While marriage and the gifting of the quilt are the main themes in this story, this is also a great story of family and the struggles they each go through and how they cling to their faith. I enjoyed how the stories flowed together. Knowing the stories were written by three different authors, I was able to pick up on the slight writing difference they have. I have enjoyed Wanda’s and Jean’s writings for years and hope this is just the beginning of Richelle’s writing career.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Barbour Publishing and was under no obligation to post a review.

397 pages

ISBN: 9781683222255

Publisher: Shiloh Run Press

Wanda E. Brunstetter is an award winning author of over 90 books. Her books are researched and written to accurately show the Amish way of life.

Jean Brunstetter is Wanda’s daughter-in-law became interested in the Amish way of life after visiting her father-in-law’s family. She likes to include some of the Amish simple traditions into her life.

Richelle Brunstetter is Jean’s daughter. She became interested in writing when she took a creative writing class in high school.

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