The Immortality Curse: New take on Noah’s Ark.

The Immortality Curse (Matt Kearns, #3) by Greig Beck
My rating: ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ Pretty good.

What would you give for eternal life?

An impossibly old man, a family gruesomely murdered and a woman whose collection of mythological artefacts defies belief: Professor Matt Kearns knows they are connected. These ancient clues bring Matt out of his self-imposed solitude to seek the fabled Fountain of Youth.

This brings on a perilous odyssey across deserts, oceans and into the heart of a mountain, Matt must overcome horrifying adversaries, creatures of legend, and also unravel a 5000-year-old mystery that will tear at his very sanity.

In a hidden place, Matt finds that some gifts have a terrible price, and some are not gifts at all, but curses that can last for an eternity.

This is a new take on the Noah’s Ark myth. It is not always new takes of old mythology actually works but this one was indeed not bad. The story starts off by presenting the mystery that Matt eventually will dig in to in a rather gruesome way.

At the beginning Matt is rather reluctant to take on the case but, of course, he is eventually convinced. This is actually one of the things that I am not so happy with in this book. Matt is rather reluctant and downright wimpy and whiny most of the time. I much prefer Greig Beck’s other hero, Alex Hunter.

The story is rather interesting and presents a rather plausible version of the Noah’s Ark myth. Well apart from the whole immortality part of course but it is fiction after all. Matt is finally convinced by a rather attractive FBI agent (who’s character I quite liked) and a not so attractive old woman (who’s character was…interesting).

As we go along a few more characters are added into the mix, some of them with a rather shot expiry date and some of them less so. Like for example a fairly likable Arabian prince, a not so likable nurse/bodyguard and a few other characters of various levels of “despicability”.

During the course of the book our friends have to fight their way trough hired thugs, back stabbing treacherous “colleagues”, other treasure seekers and of course the true guardians of the ark in order to finally unravel the mystery and find the truth that they seek.

One the whole the book was enjoyable to read, definitely above average, but it falls short of getting a top score.


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