The Napping House: A Review

The Napping House, Audrey Wood & Don Wood, 1984

My views on napping are well documented, however for a house where “everyone is sleeping” there sure seems to be a lot of activity. An active nap is my favourite type of nap.

Don’t be fooled- there’s more than napping going on in this story. The Napping House was published in 1984 and reeks of Reagan-era trickle-down economics, “Reaganomics,” if you will. Everyone- from a child to a mouse- piles on to Granny while she slumbers. But, it’s the actions of the tiny flea (read “the 1%”) that sets things in motion and eventually breaks the bed. Sure, let’s give all those tax breaks to the flea, and everyone in the nation will have to buy new beds providing a tidy profit for the flea’s bed-making business.

Napping House? Rise up Granny! You’re not napping! You’re in economic chains, held down by the burden of the hegemony. Either that or d. has been reading me too much Gramsci.

I still love the doggie.

4 out of 5 doggies



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