The Saffron Trail 5 (Pages 327 – 340)


The visit with Hadi is really strange. Amy is very inquisitive, but the man doesn’t give her straight answers. He seems to be mesmerized by Nell, and when she tells him that her mother used to grow saffron in Cornwall. he seems more and more eager. At the end of the visit he even gives her some kind of old tapestry of some kind of goddess harvesting saffron. Nell asks if she can write to him, and he agrees. I have the hunch that Hadi knew Nell’s mother in the past. I am still guessing, but I am pretty sure that Bethany is Nell’s mum, and this man could be Howard.

In the next instalment about Glenn’s past, we learn that a month after the run to Paris, Bethany leaves in the dead of night without telling anybody. When Glenn wakes up, her things are gone, and she has left a note, telling him that what they had isn’t working any longer, and she is going home. It is obvious that something did happen with Howard in Paris, but for some reason she felt she couldn’t tell Glenn. I don’t think Howard could go as far as rape her, but who knows? I imagine that after returning to England, Bethany realised she was pregnant, but why didn’t she tell Glenn? Did she think that Nell was Howard’s child… the result of a rape? How did she know the baby wasn’t Glenn’s? Well, all these things are guesses because we don’t know for sure if Bethany is Nell’s mother.

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