Time Shifters – Chris Grine

Time Shifters by Chris Grine

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Received: Publisher
Publication Date: May 30th, 2017
Publisher: Graphix
Recommended Age: 8+
Pacing: Super Fast
Genres & Themes: Graphic Novel, Time Travel


When Luke investigates an eerie blue glow in the woods behind his house, he doesn’t know what he’ll find there. But a scientist, a robot Abraham Lincoln riding a friendly dinosaur, and a sassy ghost were the last things he could have imagined stumbling upon. Now as Luke and his new companions are pursued by a bickering trio of bumbling henchmen after the strange device locked to his arm, he’s forced on a crazy, headlong adventure in a parallel dimension! Will he find his courage in time to save the day and get home or will he be trapped in a weird alternate reality forever?

I’m confused and amused.

While I did understand most of what happened in this graphic novel, there’s still a lot I don’t know. The storyline isn’t hard to follow, so that’s good, but the world-building makes little to no sense.

It’s like the author wasn’t sure what his favourite fantasy/science fiction creatures were, so he simply decided to vomit them all on these pages.

There is a vampire, a robot, a dinosaur, a ghost, a skeleton, a mommy and plenty of bizarre, nightmarish, mind-boggling species lurking around.


In a way, I kind of enjoyed that, because it reminded me of the cartoons I used to watch a million years ago. I appreciate anything that makes me go back to that innocent period of my life.

Plus it’s a really, really fast book. I kid you not when I say I finished it in a half hour. There’s action and adventure everywhere to keep you from getting bored. It’s true that it’s an extremely far-fetched story, but that’s already clear just by looking at the cover.

I’m extremely amused by the nonsensical creatures I laid eyes on in this story. I mean, some were so nonsensical I had to laugh. And I did, especially since what comes out of their mouths is even funnier.

I’d definitely gift this to a little fan of cartoons and sci-fi who wants to be confused and amused too.

PS. Doesn’t the boy on the cover make you think of Astro Boy if he were blond? Can’t get it out of my head.

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