Top Ten Tuesday: Books I’d Like Santa To Bring

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and The Bookish. 

How has a it been a year since I last made one of these lists? Where has the time gone?! I’m sure time is speeding up.

Here are some of the books I’ve got my eye on this year. It’s selected highlights only as the real list of books I’d like to receive is actually enormous. Seriously.

1. All The Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr. I feel like the only person who hasn’t read this yet.

2. An Artist Of The Floating World by Kazuo Ishiguro. I’ve read a couple of Ishiguro’s books and they’ve been brilliant but this one has escaped me so far.

3. Do Not Say We Have Nothing by by Madeleine Thien. Nobody seems to have a bad word to say about this book. I’m intrigued.

4. Swallowing Mercury by Wioletta Greg. I added this to my wishlist after it was nominated for the Booker International earlier this year.

5. Villette by Charlotte Bronte. Despite calling myself a Bronte fan Jane Eyre remains the only novel I’ve read by Charlotte. It’s high time I branched out.

6. We Have Always Lived In The Castle by Shirley Jackson. I managed to go almost all of my life so far without having heard of this and then suddenly I started seeing it cropping up all over the place. It’s clearly a sign.

7. Exit West by Mohsin Hamid. This isn’t out until the new year but maybe Santa could put in a pre-order. They have Amazon in the North Pole, right?

8. A Horse Walks Into A Bar by David Grossman. All the reviews I’ve read make this sound weird and intense and completely compelling. I can’t wait.

9. On Beauty by Zadie Smith. Given how much I loved White Teeth you’d think I’d have read more Zadie Smith novels by now, wouldn’t you? Yeah, me too.

10. Alone In Berlin by Hans Fallada. This has been on my Amazon wishlist for ages, years in fact. Maybe this year?

Crikey. Writing this down makes me feel a little bit greedy!

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