Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Started in 2017 and Intend to Complete in 2018

It’s been ages since I did The Broke and the Bookish’s  Top Ten Tuesday meme, so I didn’t know that, from 16th Jan, it’s going to be hosted by The Artsy Reader Girl. Just in time then, to say good bye to The Broke and the Bookish: Farewell! Wishing you all sorts of adventures!

This week’s Ten Five is ‘Books We Meant To Read In 2017 But Didn’t Get To’. My version is books I started, but didn’t get round to finishing, for one reason or another.

1. A Stranger in Olondria by Sofia Samatar.

Did I start this last year or in 2016? In any case, I hope to pick it up again this year! A wonderfully strange story that I need to get to the bottom of.

2. Why I’m No Longer Talking to White People About Race by Reni Eddo-Lodge

What a sobering read. I finished the opening essay and realised what a privileged life I lead, and also how ignorant I am. I’m looking forward to continuing my education.

3. A Few Green Leaves by Barbara Pym

I adore Barbara Pym’s novels and this is the only one I haven’t read. It’s also the only one I didn’t like. I had to force myself through the chapters and abandoned it halfway through. I would like to give it another chance.

4. Welcome to Lagos by Chibundu Onuzo

I was supposed to move to Lagos in 2017, but it didn’t happen and, at the end of the year, I decided to end my relationship with someone whom I still think of as the love of my life. I bought this book in anticipation of a new beginning that wasn’t meant to be, and things got so stressful that I stopped reading after a few chapters. I did like what I read though so I am definitely going to revisit this one.

5. Zahrah the Windseeker by Nnedi Okorafor

I’ve enjoyed everything by this author so far, but I remember thinking that this book  contained early ideas that are developed fully in later short stories and in the novel Who Fears Death. I wasn’t gripped, but it might have been a mood thing and I do want to try again.


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