Why I love “FRIENDS”.

Holy “Crap Bag” I love this show, don’t get me wrong I love Greys Anatomy (and can’t discuss that topic right now), but this is a different love. I love how they always gather at Monica’s apartment or on the most beautiful ugly antique orange couch at Central Perk and are all uniquely different in their own ways, yet they are all friends. Usually, I like watching the show in the morning because I like enjoying my cup of coffee while they enjoy theirs (I know I’m weird) heck I will watch this show any time of the day. Here’s a couple more reasons why I can’t get enough.

1: Phoebe’s little tunes through the show. Between the song about how hamburgers are made and the original song “smelly cat” I can’t help but giggle at the flat-out honesty through her rhymes. Between finding weird analogies with love and lobsters and someone dying and possessing her body you truly never know what’s going on with her, and I think that’s why she’s my favorite character. 

2: Alright how many hair styles does Rachel have on this show? Too many to count, but hey they all looked fabulous on her and if you don’t think so then who are you? My favorite is the “Rachel” haircut with the short layers, I believe she’s the only person that can pull it off. Word on the street she actually did not like that hair cut, but it doesn’t matter if she liked it or not because she looked great!

3: That damn orange couch! A couple of months ago I bought my “Friends” couch because I just thought it was so awesome. Mine was grey and defiantly not old like the one on the show, however I eventually traded it for another one that was more functional for my apartment living room. Since I don’t have enough space in case I find my real “Friends” couch that is actually comfortable and functional I’m on the hunt for a “Friends” chair (don’t tell my husband) that has big arms and velvet material.  There are so many things I can say about the Central Perk scene that I truly love, but I’ll keep it short .

4: Reason number 4, I love this show because it brings you back 2 decades with the 90’s clothes, decorations and media. Yeah people today are trying to bring back the clothes, but it just isn’t the same. Not that I know so much about the time because I was only born in 94, but I know enough that the people today don’t do it right. They didn’t really have cell phones yet just pagers and they didn’t have Netflix so they weren’t addicted to their tv(unless it was to watch Joey in a recent screening) life was simple. I envy that. 

Well there’s my rant about one of my favorite tv shows to watch. There is so much I can add to this, but I’ll just keep it short and sweet. And If you don’t like the show and read all this just because you had nothing to do then I thank you.

Peace out Girl Scouts ✌